This Workshop is OUTDATED
To upload and use AltspaceVR
To code and deploy MRE
In addition to the traditional modelling techniques, 3D photogrammetry is an exceptional solution to rapid prototyping both small objects and entire rooms and buildings. A well-planned photogrammetry survey can speed up the conceptual phase and save time on the entire modelling process.
There are multiple software solutions, both commercial (Agisoft Metashape; Capturing Reality; Pix4D) and free or Open Source (MeshRoom; Regard3D; COLMAP), that provide step-by-step processes to easily create digital 3D models.
Input data used by these solutions are photos, or videos, taken from high-resolution cameras (that generally provide better results), smartphones and 360 cameras.
A series of online resources are available to start working with 3D photogrammetry that explains which lenses to use, how to take the photos as well as the optimal light conditions (e.g. Sketchfab, Agisoft]). Nevertheless, a good 3D photogrammetry model is 50% technique and 50% experience and trial-and-error. Every object and every room has features, details, materials, accessibility that are unique and therefore the approach to use, the number of photos to take, the settings of the software to use need to be considered case by case.
The model provided for this tutorial, the UCL Flaxman Gallery, has been created using Agisoft Metashape and 126 images (Sony a6400). The Gallery is a good testing environment that presents various features, details and materials not always easy to capture (result of the capture can be found on Sketchfab.
Feel free to use your own digital space to complete this tutorial. Bear in mind that large environments need to be optimised in terms of the number of vertices and resolution of the textures to be used on AltspaceVR or any other AR or VR system.
AltspaceVR is a free to use social VR platform. Currently owned by Microsoft, it was initially developed using AFrame, and it is now based on Unity3D, which allows higher performances and better use of the system resources especially in VR context. While most of the features can be found also in other VR platforms, AltspaceVR, thanks to the Mixed Reality Extensions (MRE), allow the developers to introduce custom scripts and components. AltspaceVR provides an easy to use Unity package to upload virtual environments (Templates) and groups of digital objects (Kits) directly from the Game Engine.
AltspaceVR organises the users' digital spaces in Universes and Worlds, Templates, Kits and MRE.
The first step is to create a World from the AltspaceVR website. From the top menu select More -> Worlds
, select My Worlds
and create a Universe
Inside the Universe, create a World. Together with the name and description, it is possible to add an image and to set the privacy level. Additional settings are available after its creation (e.g. users allowed to enter and edit the world).
After this setup, we can now move to Unity to create the scene that will be used as a Template for our brand new world, uploaded using the AltspaceVR Uploader package.
AltspaceVR is currently using the newUnity Universal Render Pipeline (URP). URP generally provides better performances and few limitations if compared to the standard rendering pipeline.
In Unity Hubs create a new project using the template Universal Render Pipeline (note that Unity version 2020.3.9f1, at the time of writing, Unity version 2020.3.18 are the only compatible with the AltspaceVR Uploader package)
The downloaded AltspaceVR Uploader package.*tgz file needs to be always accessible to Unity even after its installation, as it is used as a reference. A good location is as a subfolder in the main Assets folder.
In Unity, open the Package Manager and from the + dropdown select Add package from tarball and select the downloaded *.tgz
A new menu item AltspaceVR will be available. Select AltspaceVR -> Templates
to open the uploader interface. To use the plugin we need to log in with an AltspaceVR account
Press on Create New Template
, the default browser will open the web interface (you may need to log in again). Provide a name, an image (optional) and a short description for the Template (they can be added or changed also later). Select restricted to keep the template private.
Create a new Unity scene to upload as AltspaceVR Template.
Import all the static digital models in the scene (all the digital assets that the user will not interact with). Generally the main environment and the furniture. We are going to use the Flaxman Gallery model, but you can test the template also with the CE Studio model, or another digital environment created using 3D photogrammetry, or any other abstract model.
The 3D model needs to have colliders to avoid the user falling outside the boundaries of the environment. These can be automatically created in Unity:
Asset window
Assets window
Inspector window
, in the tab Model select Generate Collidersfor the Flaxman Gallery, in the Inspector Window
, in the field LocationUse External Materials (Legacy)
if needed, generate lightmaps. Realtime lights are supported but they may impact the performances of the scene (especially if multiple objects are used).
Add a plinth in the centre of the scene (e.g. it can be a simple Unity GameObject Cube, or a 3D model downloaded from SketchFab)
Using the AltspaceVR Uploader Templates (AltspaceVR -> Templates
The packages will create and upload the Template to AltspaceVR. Back to the AltspaceVR web interface, we can now link the World with the Template:
The web interface is useful also to control the status of the Templates, the versions created and where (in which World) they have been used.
We are now ready to test our World: in the AltspaceVR Client (2D or VR), from Main Menu -> Worlds -> My Worlds
select and enter in the created World. AltspaceVR will automatically place the correct player controller for each platform used (even if in the Unity Scene there are no Cameras).
If the World has been set as public, other users can join the same session. The Client provides also features to take screenshots, enable and disable the microphone and personal bubble, as well as, on the right-hand side, Host tools
to manage social events, and World Editor
tools to customise the environment directly from the Client (e.g. add objects from the Kits and MRE)
The AltspaceVR Package Uploader can be used to create Kits to place interactable, and not interactable, objects in the AltspaceVR environment. A Kit can be used across the Worlds and shared with other users. The digital objects in the Kit can be cloned, and multiple instances of the same object can be created.
To create a new Kit:
Assets window
(e.g. CE Mug)Inspector window
, under the tab Model enable Generate Colliders, and in the tab Materials change Location to Use External Materials (Legacy)
. Then press Apply
(this will extract the materials in the same folder of the model)Hierarchy window
and, from the Inspector window
set the Mesh Collider to Convex (if the collider used is of type Box or Plane this step is not needed). It is possible also to add aRigidBody component in case the GameObject needs to be affected by gravity.Assets window
and delete the object in the scene (otherwise it will be embedded in the template, in case we will need to re-upload it)AltspaceVR -> Kits
, a new window, similar to the Templates one will pop up...
and select it. The prefab can be made of multiple objects and it can contain animations, but it cannot contain any scriptTo use the Kit, enter the created World using AltspaceVR Client:
World Editor -> Editor Panel
Editor Panel
select Mine -> Kits
and the Kit created and the itemEditor Panel
and select World Editor -> Edit Mode
Importing custom scripts in Virtual Reality social platforms is generally very limited, mostly for security reasons but not only. AltspaceVR provides a system called MRE (Mixed Reality Experience) that provides support for custom scripts in both private and public worlds.
In order to create and test the MRE we need to install NodeJS and the VSCode extension ESLint.
Open the folder in VS Code and from the top menu bar open Terminal -> New Terminal
. The file package.json contains already all the dependencies we need to install (at the bottom of the file). In the terminal type npm install
and when finished, npm audit fix
to patch possible vulnerabilities.
To test the Hello world MRE, in the terminal type npm run build
, this command will compile the source scripts, located in the folder src (server.ts
and app.ts
) in a new folder built.
In the terminal type npm start
, this command will run a local server and the MRE will be accessible, via WebSocket from the address and port ws://
enter your World from the AltspaceVR Client, from the right-side UI select World Editor -> Editor Panel
then SDK Apps -> Local Server
. The MRE will load after few seconds: an interactive cube (it changes scale when the cursor is on it and makes a spin if clicked) with a text Hello World! on top of it.
in Windows and Command+C
on MacOSThe language used to write the MRE is called TypeScript. TypeScript is built on JavaScript and it is a subset of it, therefore all the functions working in JavaScript, will work in TypeScript as well (and they should look familiar). It is a strongly typed language and most of the errors can be found directly in the editor before running the code.
The MRE Hello World have multiple files and folders. As it is a sample project for various scenarios, some of them are not going to be used in our example and we can safely remove them. The project can be also created from scratch, but some of the settings are the same for every MRE so it is easier to modify the existing files.
, this file will be used to install all the dependencies used with Node.js. It also contains more generic information about the MRE that we can easily change (e.g. name of the app, version, description, author, license and keywords. The other information does not need to be changed).eslintrc.js
, this is a hidden file, see above how to enable it.gitignore
, this is a hidden file, see above how to enable ittsconfig.json
, the configuration file used by the TypeScript
folder with both app.ts
(the actual script we are going to customise) and server.ts
folder with both manifest.json
and the placeholder website index.html
npm install
. As before, this command will install the dependencies in a new _nodemodules folder.src/app.ts
npm install
* Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.
* Licensed under the MIT License.
import * as MRE from '@microsoft/mixed-reality-extension-sdk';
and inside the class the variables we will need to use/**
* The main class of this app. All the logic goes here.
export default class MQTTGauge {
private gaugeBody: MRE.Actor = null;
private pointer: MRE.Actor = null;
private assets: MRE.AssetContainer;
private light: MRE.Actor = null;
we can now create the variable context and, when ready, execute the function this.started()
that we are going to create next
constructor(private context: MRE.Context) {
this.context.onStarted(() => this.started());
* Once the context is "started", initialize the app.
private async started() {
// set up somewhere to store loaded assets (meshes, textures, animations, gltfs, etc.)
this.assets = new MRE.AssetContainer(this.context);
// Load the glTF models before we use it, "box" refer to the collider to apply
const gaugeBodysrc = await this.assets.loadGltf('Gauge_Body.glb', "box");
const gaugePointersrc = await this.assets.loadGltf('Pointer.glb', "box");
// spawn a copy of the Gauge Body glTF model
this.gaugeBody = MRE.Actor.CreateFromPrefab(this.context, {
// using the data we loaded earlier
firstPrefabFrom: gaugeBodysrc,
// Also apply the following generic actor properties.
actor: {
name: 'Gauge Body',
transform: {
local: {
position: { x: 0, y: -1, z: 0 },
rotation: { x: 0, y: 0, z: 0 }
// spawn a copy of the Pointer as child of the Gauge Body glTF model
this.pointer = MRE.Actor.CreateFromPrefab(this.context, {
// using the data we loaded earlier
firstPrefabFrom: gaugePointersrc,
// Also apply the following generic actor properties.
actor: {
name: 'Gauge Pointer',
// Parent the glTF model to the text actor, so the transform is relative to the text
transform: {
local: {
position: { x: 0, y: 0, z: 0 },
rotation: { x: 0, y: 0, z: 0 }
The script is using the 3D models of the Gauge and the Pointer in GLB format.
. In the same folder we can remove the altspace-cube.glb
and altspace-cube.jpg
(if we reuse the Hello World folder), as they are not used anymore. We can also modify in the same folder the manifest.json
and index.html
with our data (a good practice, but not essential)npm run build
and then npm start
to build the new MRE and start the local server. We should be able to see the gauge in AltspaceVRTo change the rotation of the model, World Editor -> Editor Panel
select the small cog-gear to see the settings and change the rotation value of X = 90. In the settings, we can change the position and scale of the object, as well as its name. It is of course possible to rotate the object from the MRE as we will see later on.
If the model looks dark, we can add a light actor just after the this.pointerActor
this.light = MRE.Actor.Create(this.context, {
actor: {
name: 'Light',
transform: {
local: {
position: { x: 0, y: 3.0, z: 0 },
light: {
color: { r: 1, g: 1, b: 1 },
type: 'point',
intensity: 1,
range: 60
This code will create a point light as child of the Gauge.
It is also possible to spawn 3D models that are already part of our AltspaceVR Kits. To do this, we need to remove the lines loadGltf
(and the 3D models from the public folder) and remove async
from private async started()
(as the await
is not there anymore) and instead of MRE.Actor.CreateFromPrefab
use another method: MRE.Actor.CreateFromLibrary
In this case the method asks for a resourceId
this value can be easily find from the AltspaceVR website:
More -> Kits
and select the Kitthis.gaugeBody = MRE.Actor.CreateFromLibrary(this.context, {
resourceId: 'artifact:1846572962480653129',
transform: {
local: {
position: { x: 0, y: -1, z: 0 },
rotation:{ x: 0, y: 0, z: 0 },
this.pointer = MRE.Actor.CreateFromLibrary(this.context, {
resourceId: 'artifact:1846572951206363969',
name:'Gauge Pointer',
transform: {
local: {
position: { x: 0, y: 0, z: 0 },
rotation:{ x: 0, y: 0, z: 0 },
As the MRE are written in TypeScript and works on the top of NodeJS, it is possible to add other external libraries and framework, such as the MQTT.js.
Before using it we need to install the modules in the _nodemodules folder. There are two ways for doing it:
"mqtt": "^4.2.6",
"dependencies": {
"@microsoft/mixed-reality-extension-sdk": "^0.20.0",
"@types/dotenv": "^6.1.0",
"@types/node": "^10.3.1",
"mqtt": "^4.2.6",
"dotenv": "^6.2.0"
Then type in the terminal npm install
to add the required modules
npm i mqtt
(be sure to be in the root of the folder and not in any of the subfolder, such as _nodemodules)Once installed, in src/app.ts
we need to import the modules we are going to use:
import * as MRE from '@microsoft/mixed-reality-extension-sdk';
import { IClientOptions, Client, connect, IConnackPacket } from "mqtt";
//MQTT variable
private BROKER: string;
private TOPIC: string;
private client: Client;
private valueWind: number = null; // value used to move the pointer
private mqttConnect(){}
after the previous private started(){}
(the new function needs to be outside started()
but still within the main export default class MQTTGauge {})
private mqttConnect() {
const opts: IClientOptions = { port: 1883 };
//username:USER, password: PW can be added in the opts
this.client = connect(this.BROKER, opts);
this.client.subscribe({ [this.TOPIC]: { qos: 2 } }, (err, granted) => {
granted.forEach(({ topic, qos }) => {
console.log(`subscribed to ${topic} with qos=${qos}`);
}).on("message", (topic: string, payload: Buffer) => {
//if response is JSON use
//const responseJson = JSON.parse(payload.toString());
//if response is value use
const responseJson = payload.toString();
this.valueWind = parseFloat(responseJson);
//rotation from 0 to 270dg->[3(Math.PI)/2]->4.712. Value to multiply 4.721/60->0.07853
this.pointer.transform.local.rotation = MRE.Quaternion.FromEulerAngles(0, this.valueWind*((3*(Math.PI)/2)/60),0);
// client.end(); //uncomment to stop after 1 msg
}).on("connect", (packet: IConnackPacket) => {
console.log("connected!", JSON.stringify(packet));
finally, call the function this.mqttConnect();
inside the private started()
, just before its last curly bracket.
in the terminal we need to stop the running MRE using CTRL+C
in Windows and Command+C
on MacOS. Then type npm run build
and npm start
The function now connects to the MQTT broker and, for each message received, it changes the rotation of the pointer. A great result, but we want to do something better, like a smooth animation for the pointer:
this.pointer.transform.local.rotation = MRE.Quaternion.FromEulerAngles(0, this.valueWind*((3*(Math.PI)/2)/60),0);
and add instead:MRE.Animation.AnimateTo(this.context, this.pointer, {
//rotation from 0 to 270dg->[3(Math.PI)/2]->4.712. Value to multiply 4.721/60->0.07853
rotation: MRE.Quaternion.FromEulerAngles(0, this.valueWind * ((3 * (Math.PI) / 2) / 60), 0)
duration: 0.5,
easing: MRE.AnimationEaseCurves.EaseOutSine
We can control the duration of the animation and the type of curve for the animation. Once again, from the terminal type npm run build
and then npm start
to build the new MRE and start the local server
So far we run the MRE from a local server, but if we want the MRE to be used by other users, we need to render it public.
Any service that provide access to WebSocket and a Node.js
platform will fit our needs.
In this example we are going to use the free tiers of Heroku.
website, login and press New -> Create new app
Create app
It is possible to deploy the App using three different systems, Using the Heroku CLI, by linking a GitHub repository, or a Container Registry. We will see here Deploy using Heroku Git
heroku login
(follow the installation instruction from Heroku to add the command to the environment path if not recognised, a restart generally is needed on Windows)Heroku
accountgit init
to initialise an empty Git repositorylink the local repository with the remote App create on Heroku
heroku git:remote -a NAME-OF-YOUR-APP
finally, deploy the App using:
git add .
git commit -am "First commit"
git push heroku main
The final command will also start the process to install the _nodemodules remotely.
At the end of the process on the Heroku
website we should be able to see our App as https://NAME OF THE By opening the Https link of the App we will see the content of the index.html
file we copied in the public
To the MRE in AltspaceVR we just need to change the address of the local server from ws://
to wss://NAME OF THE
(note the WSS, Secure WebSocket)
World Editor
from the right-hand side of the UIEditor panel
Final app.ts
* Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.
* Licensed under the MIT License.
import * as MRE from '@microsoft/mixed-reality-extension-sdk';
import { IClientOptions, Client, connect, IConnackPacket } from "mqtt";
* The main class of this app. All the logic goes here.
export default class MQTTGauge {
private gaugeBody: MRE.Actor = null;
private pointer: MRE.Actor = null;
private assets: MRE.AssetContainer;
//private light: MRE.Actor = null;
//MQTT variable
private BROKER: string;
private TOPIC: string;
private client: Client;
private valueWind: number = null; // windDir
constructor(private context: MRE.Context) {
this.context.onStarted(() => this.started());
* Once the context is "started", initialize the app.
//private async started() {
private started() {
// set up somewhere to store loaded assets (meshes, textures, animations, gltfs, etc.)
this.assets = new MRE.AssetContainer(this.context);
// Load a glTF model before we use it, "box" refer to the collider to apply
// The started function needs to have the async
//const gaugeBodysrc = await this.assets.loadGltf('Gauge_Body.glb', "box");
//const gaugePointersrc = await this.assets.loadGltf('Pointer.glb', "box");
// spawn a copy of the Gauge Body glTF model
this.gaugeBody = MRE.Actor.CreateFromPrefab(this.context, {
// using the data we loaded earlier
firstPrefabFrom: gaugeBodysrc,
// Also apply the following generic actor properties.
actor: {
name: 'Gauge Body',
// Parent the glTF model to the text actor, so the transform is relative to the text
transform: {
local: {
position: { x: 0, y: -1, z: 0 },
rotation: { x: 0, y: 0, z: 0 }
// spawn a copy of the Pointer as child of the Gauge Body glTF model
this.rotPointer = MRE.Quaternion.FromEulerAngles(0, 0, 0);
this.pointer = MRE.Actor.CreateFromPrefab(this.context, {
// using the data we loaded earlier
firstPrefabFrom: gaugePointersrc,
// Also apply the following generic actor properties.
actor: {
name: 'Gauge Pointer',
// Parent the glTF model to the text actor, so the transform is relative to the text
transform: {
local: {
position: { x: 0, y: 0, z: 0 },
rotation: this.rotPointer,
this.gaugeBody = MRE.Actor.CreateFromLibrary(this.context, {
resourceId: 'artifact:1846572962480653129',
transform: {
local: {
position: { x: 0, y: -1, z: 0 },
rotation:{ x: 0, y: 0, z: 0 },
this.pointer = MRE.Actor.CreateFromLibrary(this.context, {
resourceId: 'artifact:1846572951206363969',
name:'Gauge Pointer',
transform: {
local: {
position: { x: 0, y: 0, z: 0 },
rotation:{ x: 0, y: 0, z: 0 },
this.light = MRE.Actor.Create(this.context, {
actor: {
name: 'Light',
transform: {
local: {
position: { x: 0, y: 3.0, z: 0 },
light: {
color: { r: 1, g: 1, b: 1 },
type: 'point',
intensity: 1,
range: 60
private mqttConnect() {
const opts: IClientOptions = { port: 1883 }; //to change with the port of the broker
//username:USER, password: PW can be added in the opts
this.client = connect(this.BROKER, opts);
this.client.subscribe({ [this.TOPIC]: { qos: 2 } }, (err, granted) => {
granted.forEach(({ topic, qos }) => {
console.log(`subscribed to ${topic} with qos=${qos}`);
}).on("message", (topic: string, payload: Buffer) => {
//if response is JSON use
//const responseJson = JSON.parse(payload.toString());
//if response is value use
const responseJson = payload.toString();
this.valueWind = parseFloat(responseJson);
//rotation from 0 to 270dg->[3(Math.PI)/2]->4.712. Value to multiply 4.721/60->0.07853
//this.pointer.transform.local.rotation = MRE.Quaternion.FromEulerAngles(0, this.valueWind*((3*(Math.PI)/2)/60),0);
MRE.Animation.AnimateTo(this.context, this.pointer, {
//rotation from 0 to 270dg->[3(Math.PI)/2]->4.712. Value to multiply 4.721/60->0.07853
rotation: MRE.Quaternion.FromEulerAngles(0, this.valueWind * ((3 * (Math.PI) / 2) / 60), 0)
duration: 0.5,
easing: MRE.AnimationEaseCurves.EaseOutSine
// client.end(); //uncomment to stop after 1 msg
}).on("connect", (packet: IConnackPacket) => {
console.log("connected!", JSON.stringify(packet));