This workshop will show you how to:

Final Result

To complete this workshop you will need:

Languages used:

Additional resources

In addition to overlay data and models to the physical environment, Augmented Reality can be used to materialise immersive digital places, overlapping realities in outdoor spaces.

Setting up ARDK

Create a new Unity project using the AR Core template. Switch the Platform to Android.

Install the ARDK package following the documentation

Open the Lightship -> XR Plug-in Management

In the XR Plug-in Management menu, select Niantic Lightship SDK + Google ARCore.

In Player Settings:

Control that there aren't any issues in the Project Validation (it can be found in Edit -> Project Settings or Lightship -> Project Validation).

Create a new scene

Create a new Empty scene

Add the Lightship WPS Unity package to a Unity Project following the steps in the Niantic Lightship Documentation

Create a new C# script named AddWPSObjects

using System.Collections;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using UnityEngine;
using Niantic.Experimental.Lightship.AR.WorldPositioning;

public class AddWPSObjects : MonoBehaviour
    [SerializeField] ARWorldPositioningObjectHelper positioningHelper;

    // Start is called before the first frame update
    void Start()
        // replace the coordinates here with your location
        double latitude = 51.539185696655736;
        double longitude = -0.010363110051920168;
        double altitude = 0.0; // We're using camera-relative positioning so make the cube appear at the same height as the camera

        // instantiate a cube, scale it up for visibility (make it even bigger if you need), then update its location
        GameObject cube = GameObject.CreatePrimitive(PrimitiveType.Cube);
        cube.transform.localScale *= 2.0f;
        positioningHelper.AddOrUpdateObject(cube, latitude, longitude, altitude, Quaternion.identity);

In the Hierarchy, create a new Empty GameObject by right-clicking and selecting Create Empty. Name it WPSObjects and add the script you just created to it. Drag the XR Origin (Mobile AR) to the empty field of the Positioning Helper.

Build and Run the app and test it outdoors. A 2-meter cube will float in mid-air at the location defined in the script.

In order to add multiple elements at runtime, we can take advantage of the JSON format. First, we need to generate a GeoJSON file with the locations of the sensors or other elements that we want to visualize in our app. In this example, we are going to use the BatSensors located in the Queen Elizabeth Olympic Park.

If the GeoJSON file is not readily available, it is possible to create a new one quite easily using Through this online service, it is also possible to add additional properties to the locations that can be used in our application.

Bat sensors on

Create a new Prefab GameObject to be use as visualisation of the sensor. It could be a primitive such a sphere (scale 0.2 0.2 0.2), or an actual 3D model. Inside of the prefab add also a TextMeshPro - Text with width = 0.2; height = 0.3 and Font Size = 0.2.

In order to provide a feedback to the user on the position of the closest sensor we are going to add a simple UI:

We can now update the AddWPSObjects with a new script named AddWPSObjectsList that is going to read the JSON file and insatiate a prefab for each location

using UnityEngine;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using Niantic.Experimental.Lightship.AR.WorldPositioning;
using TMPro;

public class AddWPSObjectsList : MonoBehaviour
    [SerializeField] ARWorldPositioningObjectHelper positioningHelper;
    [SerializeField] GameObject prefab; // Assign your prefab in the Inspector
    [SerializeField] TextAsset jsonFilePath; // Path to your JSON file
    private List<GameObject> sensors = new List<GameObject>();

    public Camera mainCamera;
    public TextMeshProUGUI distanceText;
    private Vector3 previousCameraPosition;

    void Start()
        // Initialize the previous camera position
        previousCameraPosition = mainCamera.transform.position;

        string jsonText = jsonFilePath.text;
        var json = JsonUtility.FromJson<batSensors.Root>(jsonText);

        foreach (var feature in json.features)
            double longitude = feature.geometry.coordinates[0];
            double latitude = feature.geometry.coordinates[1];
            double altitude =;

            // Instantiate the prefab and update its location
            GameObject obj = Instantiate(prefab);
            positioningHelper.AddOrUpdateObject(obj, latitude, longitude, altitude, Quaternion.identity);

            Debug.Log("add " +;

            obj.transform.Find("Info").GetComponent<TextMeshPro>().text = + "\n" +;


    void LateUpdate()
        // Check if the camera has moved
        if (mainCamera.transform.position != previousCameraPosition)
            // Update the previous camera position
            previousCameraPosition = mainCamera.transform.position;
            // Find the closest object and display the distance

    void FindAndDisplayClosestObject()
        GameObject closestObject = null;
        float closestDistance = Mathf.Infinity;

        // Iterate through all objects with the tag "Detectable"
        foreach (GameObject obj in sensors)
            float distance = Vector3.Distance(mainCamera.transform.position, obj.transform.position);

            if (distance < closestDistance)
                closestDistance = distance;
                closestObject = obj;

        if (closestObject != null)
            // Display the distance in meters and two decimals
            distanceText.text = $"Closest Sensor: {} | Distance: {closestDistance:F2} m";

// Root myDeserializedClass = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject<Root>(myJsonResponse);
public class batSensors
    public class Feature
        public string type;
        public Properties properties;
        public Geometry geometry;
    public class Geometry
        public string type;
        public List<double> coordinates;
    public class Properties
        public string Name;
        public string Habitat;
        public double altitude;
    public class Root
        public string type;
        public List<Feature> features;

We can add the script to the same WPSObjects GameObject, paying attention to disable the old one and to fill the public variables

Public variable for the AddWPSObjectsList component

We can test the Application Outdoor

Valve Steam Audio provides a free audio spatialiser that can be use to create immersive experience in VR and AR environments. Compare to other add-on, Valve Steam Audio provides some interesting solutions to create credible sound occlusion and reflection.

Build and Run the application