Languages used:
In Unity Hub create a New Project
using the AR Mobile (Core) template and give it a logical name. Instead of using the default Sample Scene, create a new one following the Setting up the AR Scene
from Workshop 2
Import the gauge model. There are two ways to import - click and drag your FBX
file into a folder in the Project panel
or head to Assets -> import assets
files will import, complete with animation if any. To be able to edit the materials we need to extract them from the FBX
file. in the Inspector window
, from the tab Materials
chose Use External Materials (Legacy) from the Location
dropdown menu. Unity will extract the Materials and texture images in the folder of the FBX model. From the Tab Animation
, it is possible to play the imported animation if embedded in the FBX model.
Not all the material are compatible between different software. For example, the material used for the Glass it may appear Opaque in Unity. To change the appearance, select the Glass material (from the GameObject or from the Materials folder created by Unity), change the surface type from Opaque to Transparent and change the Alpha Channel of the Base Map
ATTENTION: Unity might not have the same axes conventions used by your 3D modelling software. E.g. Unity uses a left-hand coordinate system with Y axes up, Blender uses a right-hand system with Z axes up. This difference can introduce some issues in both local and global rotations. A quick fix is to export the FBX model from Blender and select, in the Export options:
Also, if the model contains texture images, these can be embedded in the FBX model by selecting, from the Blender Export window, Path Mode
Copy and selecting the small icon next to the same field.
Download and Import the M2MQTT library and create the C# script mqttManager.
We are going to set up an empty GameObject in the scene and save it as a Prefab
this allows it to act as a holder for any GameObject, digital model and scripts we want to use in Augmented Reality.
To keep things organised the first thing to do is to right-click in the Assets folder of the Project
window and create a Prefab folder alongside the folder with the gauge model.
window and create a new empty GameObjectARObject
), and check the Inspector to move to position 0, 0, 0
(the centre of the scene)Hierarchy panel
and then drag the GameObject into the Prefab folder. This will automatically create the Prefab
, the icon of the GameObject will change in solid light blue.You now have a Prefab
ready to hold an AR object.
Depending on how the model has been exported from Blender, the scale could be too big or too small for the one we need for the AR scene.
A quick way to control the scale of our object is to create a primitive cube. The cube has a side of 1 Unity unit that in Augmented Reality is equal to 1 meter.
The scale can be changed on the FBX object during the import (recommended), or on the Prefab object just created from the Inspector window
. To change the scale on the Prefab we can double click from the Project panel
, this will bring us to the Prefab Edit Mode
and the various changes will be automatically saved
Add a new empty GameObject to the scene, add the mqttManager script created before as new component. The following parameters need to be provided:
Add a new Tag to this GameObject (e.g. mqttManager).
Attach to the Prefab (the previously empty object) a new C# script mqttController
using System;
using UnityEngine;
public class mqttController : MonoBehaviour
[Tooltip("Optional name for the controller")]
public string nameController = "Controller 1";
public string tag_mqttManager = ""; //to be set on the Inspector panel. It must match one of the mqttManager.cs GameObject
[Header(" Case Sensitive!!")]
[Tooltip("the topic to subscribe must contain this value. !!Case Sensitive!! ")]
public string topicSubscribed = ""; //the topic to subscribe, it need to match a topic from the mqttManager
private float pointerValue = 0.0f;
public GameObject objectToControl; //pointer of the gauge, or other 3D models
[Tooltip("Select the rotation axis of the object to control")]
public enum State { X, Y, Z };
public State rotationAxis;
[Tooltip("Direction Rotation")]
public bool CW = true; //CW True = 1; CW False = -1
private int rotationDirection = 1;
[Tooltip("minimum value on the dial")]
public float startValue = 0f; //start value of the gauge
[Tooltip("maximum value on the dial")]
public float endValue = 180f; // end value of the gauge
[Tooltip("full extension of the gauge in EulerAngles")]
public float fullAngle = 180f; // full extension of the gauge in EulerAngles
[Tooltip("Adjust the origin of the scale. negative values CCW; positive value CW")]
public float adjustedStart = 0f; // negative values CCW; positive value CW
public mqttManager _eventSender;
void Awake()
if (GameObject.FindGameObjectsWithTag(tag_mqttManager).Length > 0)
_eventSender = GameObject.FindGameObjectsWithTag(tag_mqttManager)[0].gameObject.GetComponent<mqttManager>();
_eventSender.Connect(); //Connect tha Manager when the object is spawned
Debug.LogError("At least one GameObject with mqttManager component and Tag == tag_mqttManager needs to be provided");
void OnEnable()
_eventSender.OnMessageArrived += OnMessageArrivedHandler;
private void OnDisable()
_eventSender.OnMessageArrived -= OnMessageArrivedHandler;
private void OnMessageArrivedHandler(mqttObj mqttObject) //the mqttObj is defined in the mqttManager.cs
//We need to check the topic of the message to know where to use it
if (mqttObject.topic.Contains(topicSubscribed))
pointerValue = float.Parse(mqttObject.msg);
Debug.Log("Event Fired. The message, from Object " + nameController + " is = " + pointerValue);
private void Update()
float step = 1.5f * Time.deltaTime;
// ternary conditional operator
rotationDirection = CW ? 1 : -1;
if (pointerValue >= startValue)
Vector3 rotationVector = new Vector3();
//If the rotation Axis is X
if (rotationAxis == State.X)
rotationVector = new Vector3(
(rotationDirection * ((pointerValue - startValue) * (fullAngle / (endValue - startValue)))) - adjustedStart,
//If the rotation Axis is Y
else if (rotationAxis == State.Y)
rotationVector = new Vector3(
(rotationDirection * ((pointerValue - startValue) * (fullAngle / (endValue - startValue)))) - adjustedStart,
//If the rotation Axis is Z
else if (rotationAxis == State.Z)
rotationVector = new Vector3(
(rotationDirection * ((pointerValue - startValue) * (fullAngle / (endValue - startValue)))) - adjustedStart);
objectToControl.transform.localRotation = Quaternion.Lerp(
// Root myDeserializedClass = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject<Root>(myJsonResponse);
public class tasmotaSensor
public class ENERGY
public string TotalStartTime;
public double Total;
public double Yesterday;
public double Today;
public int Period;
public int Power;
public int ApparentPower;
public int ReactivePower;
public double Factor;
public int Voltage;
public double Current;
public class Root
public DateTime Time;
From the Inspector panel
change following values:
SENSOR != Sensor
from the Hierarchy Panel
to the field Object To Control in the Inspector panel
if the rotation is positive, or untick if negativestartValue
, the minimum value on the dialendValue
, the maximum value on the dialfullAngle
, full extension of the gauge in EulerAnglesadjustStart
, value used to change the start position of the pointerE.g. with the pointer 0 at W
startValue = 30
endValue = 130
fullAngle = 180
adjustStart = 0
startValue = 0
endValue = 60
fullAngle = 270
adjustStart = -45
Realistic lighting is central to making an object in Augmented Reality look real and they are various shadow, light and camera techniques which can be used to allow an object to look more natural in its surroundings.
The Gauge so far is not showing any shadows or very low-resolution shadows - this is due to a couple of settings in Unity which need to be changed. Firstly head to Edit -> Project Settings
and, on the left-side panel, select Quality. We are going to use the Balanced
settings (click on it). The template chosen used the URP
Asset to control the various quality settings. Click on it and find the asset in the Project
Select the URP
Asset (e.g. URP-Performant
) and in the Inspector
window, for the Shadows settings use
As above the main edits are to set:
Finally, shadows need to fall on any surface you use for Augmented Reality. We are going to create a new custom shader
window search for shadowShadowReceiver
with the following URP Shadow Shader
attached to itShader "URP Shadow Receiver"
_ShadowColor ("Shadow Color", Color) = (0.35, 0.4, 0.45, 1.0)
"RenderPipeline" = "UniversalPipeline"
"RenderType" = "Transparent"
"Queue" = "Transparent-1"
Name "ForwardLit"
"LightMode" = "UniversalForward"
Blend DstColor Zero, Zero One
Cull Back
ZTest LEqual
ZWrite Off
#pragma vertex vert
#pragma fragment frag
#pragma prefer_hlslcc gles
#pragma exclude_renderers d3d11_9x
#pragma target 2.0
#pragma multi_compile _ _SHADOWS_SOFT
#include "Packages/com.unity.render-pipelines.universal/ShaderLibrary/Lighting.hlsl"
float4 _ShadowColor;
struct Attributes
half4 positionOS : POSITION;
struct Varyings
half4 positionCS : SV_POSITION;
half3 positionWS : TEXCOORD0;
Varyings vert(Attributes input)
Varyings output;
VertexPositionInputs vertexInput = GetVertexPositionInputs(;
output.positionCS = vertexInput.positionCS;
output.positionWS = vertexInput.positionWS;
return output;
half4 frag(Varyings input) : SV_Target
half4 color = half4(1, 1, 1, 1);
VertexPositionInputs vertexInput = (VertexPositionInputs)0;
vertexInput.positionWS = input.positionWS;
float4 shadowCoord = GetShadowCoord(vertexInput);
half shadowAttenutation = MainLightRealtimeShadow(shadowCoord);
color = lerp(half4(1, 1, 1, 1), _ShadowColor, (1.0 - shadowAttenutation) * _ShadowColor.a);
return color;
Apply the ShadowReceiver
material to the plane and adjust the settings. The new material will render just the shadows projected by a light source in the scene, but it will be otherwise invisible
Light Estimation uses the camera of the mobile device to estimate the environmental lighting and apply it to the main light of the scene. ARFoundation provides an inbuilt light estimation option. To turn it on, select the Main Camera GameObject inside the XR Origin (AR Rig) and, in the Inspector Panel
, in the AR Camera Manager component, select Light Estimation -> Everything
You now have an Augmented Reality object with real-time lighting and shadows, it can be placed and moved on any surface.
If you have not already - Save your Scene