This workshop will show you how to:

Holder Example

To complete this workshop you will need:

Languages used:

Additional resources

Ensure you have the required modules installed into your Unity setup - iOS and Android are required depending on your platform of choice.

Create Project

In Unity Hub create a New Project select the AR template and give it a logical name - i.e. UnityMQTTGauge. The template is new within in Unity, creating the basics of an Augmented Reality Scene with inter-changeable iOS/Android components.

Create Project

On your first load a pop up will appear

Create Project

The settings for the AR module need to be changed according to the mobile operating system it will be deployed to. It also needs be to changed in main build settings of Unity, which can take a little time as Unity recompiles its assets accordingly. This can be carried out at any time but it makes sense to do it at the start of the project.


For Android go to Edit > Project Settings > XR Plug-in Management select the tab Android and select ARCore - this is Android AR system.

Android Plugin

We now need to change the build settings - this is the same for any time you want to build a unity application for Android.

Head to File -> Build Settings and on Platform select Android and then at the bottom select Switch Platforms.

Unity will whir for a while and then you are ready to change the final settings before setting up a scene.

In Project Settings -> Player provide the following information:


For iOS go to Edit > Project Settings > XR Plug-in Management select the tab iOS and select ARKit - this is Apple's AR system.

Create Project

We now need to change the build settings - this is the same for any time you want to build a unity application for iOS.

Head to File > Build Settings and on Platform select iOS and then at the bottom select Switch Platforms.

Unity will whir for a while and then you are ready to change the final settings before setting up a scene.

In Project Settings -> Player provide the following information:

Create Project

We are now ready to start developing the application in Unity.

If you close all the windows from the set up you will see that Unity has created a Sample Scene with a series of folders containing examples and the main components required for an Augmented Reality application.


We are going to setup an empty GameObject in the scene and save it as a Prefab this allows it to act as a holder for any GameObject we want to appear in Augmented Reality.

To keep things organised the first thing to do is to right click in the Assets folder and create a Prefab and a FBX folder.

Create Folders


There are two ways to import - click and drag your FBX file into the FBX folder or head to Assets -> import assets

Create Folders

Your FBX file will import, complete with animation. To be able to edit the materials we need to extract them from the FBX file. in the Inspector window, from the tab Materials chose Use External Materials (Legacy) from the Location dropdown menu. Unity will extract the Materials in the folder of the the FBX model. From the Tab Animation it is possible to play the imported animation.

Create Folders

You now have your FBX model imported, complete with animation and textures.

Create Folders

Finally we are going to hold our Gauge in a Prefab. This allows us to attach all the scripts to the Prefab and swap models in and out for future AR applications.

Right click in the Hierarchy window and create a new empty GameObject

Create Folders

Give it a logical name - ie ARObject, and check the Inspector to move to position 0, 0, 0 (the centre of the scene)

Create Folders

Drag your FBX file into the ARObject GameObject and then drag the ARObject GameObject into the Prefab folder - this will automatically create the Prefab and makes it editable.

Create Folders

You now have a Prefab ready to hold an AR object and link to the Unity AR scripts.

You can now delete the ARObject from the Hierarchy while we make the final edits to the Gauge.

Now is a good time to save your scene, File -> save as and give it a logical name - ie ARGauge.


Open the folder to where you extracted the textures - check if the Winddial.png is present. If it is not, drag it from your hard drive into the folder - we are now ready to reassign the texture to the dial face.

Open your Prefab folder and double click the ARObject - this puts it into edit mode and all changes are saved.

Navigate down to the last child of the Dial > Dial > Body, in the Inspector window expand the material (Wind Dial(Material)) and drag the Winddial.png texture into the empty square next to the Albedo.

Create Folders

You now have the Gauge, complete with the texture on the dial. Press on Scenes next to the Prefab name to exit the editing mode of the Prefab.

Create Folders

This texture could now be changed to create any type of dial

Finally - Scale

Depending on how the model has been exported from Blender, the scale could be too big or too small of the one we need for the AR scene.
A quick way to control the scale of our object is to create a primitive cube. The cube has side of 1 unit that in our scene is equal to 1 meter. We can then change the scale of the FBX object (recommended) or of the Prefab object from the Inspector window.

In the empty scene the main aspects of the AR settings can be found under AR Session Origin GameObject in the Hierarchy window. Everything we need is already set up, all that is required is to drag our ARObject onto the Archor Creator Component under Anchor Prefab. Also, be sure that the AR Camera GameObject, inside the AR Session Origin GameObject in the Hierarchy window, has a Tag MainCamera in the Inspector window and not Untagged.

The Unity default settings are however barely useable as Anchor Creator creates a new object in the Augmented Reality scene anytime the the screen is touched. This easily leads to multiple objects appearing and makes it hard to place the object where you want.

Create Folders

Adding a new Touch Anchor

With all the default Unity settings, new scripts can be added. To add a plane where we have the ability to ‘touch to add and object' and ‘hold to drag' (the basic requirements) we are going to add a new script.

First off it should be organised, so create a new folder in the Assets and name it scripts.

Create Folders

Now right click in the folder and Create -> new C# Script name it TaptoPlace

Copy and paste the following to replace the default script

using System.Collections;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using UnityEngine;
using UnityEngine.XR.ARFoundation;
using UnityEngine.XR.ARSubsystems;

public class TaptoPlace : MonoBehaviour
    public GameObject gameObjectToInstantiate; //the Prefab GameObject to instantiate in the AR environment. To be added in the inspector window
    private GameObject spawnedObject; //the Prefab Instantiate in the scene. Used internally by the script
    private ARRaycastManager _arRaycastManager; //part of the ARSession Origin GO
    private Vector2 touchPosition; //XZ position of the user Tap

    static List<ARRaycastHit> hits = new List<ARRaycastHit>();

    public float timeThreshold = 0.5f; //User need to tap and hold the finger for at least 0.5 sec before the GO is created
    public bool isTouching = false;

    private void Awake()
        _arRaycastManager = GetComponent<ARRaycastManager>();

    bool TryGetTouchPosition(out Vector2 touchPosition)
        if (Input.touchCount > 0) //if touch is detected
            isTouching = true;

            touchPosition = Input.GetTouch(index: 0).position;
            return true;
        touchPosition = default;
        isTouching = false;
        timeThreshold = 0;
        return false;


    // Update is called once per frame
    void Update()
        if (isTouching == true)
            timeThreshold -= Time.deltaTime;
            //Debug.Log("TIMING: " + timeThreshold);

        if (!TryGetTouchPosition(out Vector2 touchPosition))

        if (_arRaycastManager.Raycast(touchPosition, hits, trackableTypes: TrackableType.PlaneWithinPolygon))
            var hitPose = hits[0].pose;

            if (timeThreshold < 0)
                if (spawnedObject == null)
                    spawnedObject = Instantiate(gameObjectToInstantiate, hitPose.position, hitPose.rotation);
                    spawnedObject.transform.position = hitPose.position;


Drag the script into AR Session Origin GameObject (or select Add Component) and Drag the ARObject into the GameObject to Instantiate field. We need also to turn off, or delete, the component `Anchor Creator, as the GameObject is controlled by our script.

Create Folders

Unity is now ready to deploy the application to your mobile device.

If all is set up correctly then deploying to your device is easy. There are a few catches which are useful to solve failed builds.

To build and run on your device - File -> Build Settings and add open scene also check you have the correct deployment selected - in our case, ios.

Create Folders

File -> Build and Run - this sets off the compile process.


In iOS after File -> Build and Run Unity will launch XCode which in turn will process the build to be deployed on your mobile device. Your device needs to be connected and ‘trusted' by the computer it is connected to. If you press the play button at the top of Xcode, with your mobile device selected and the destination the Xcode should install and run the application on your iPhone or iPad. When it loads, move the phone so the camera can detect a plane and then tap to place your 3D model.

If XCode fails to build - the issue is normally with the Apple Account settings and often due to the Signing and Capabilities. Select the project from the left hand side (the top blue icon) and in the middle navigate to Signing and Capabilities.

Select Automatic Signing and then your account via the drop down Teams. If you now press the Play icon, the application should build to your device.

Well done - you have your first Augmented Reality Application.


In Android the first time we run File -> Build and Run Unity will ask a destination folder to save the application as a APK file format then, if a device is connected, Unity will install the application on the device. If the device is not connected, or not recognised, it is possible to upload the file directly on the Android device, the file will be recognised and installed.
As for the iOS version, when it loads, move the phone so the camera can detect a plane and then tap to place your 3D model.

The Lean Touch Asset provides a quick and easy way to add multiple gestures to your AR project without writing code.

Installation is a two step process, firstly you need to "buy" the Assets (its free) from the Unity Store, to add it to your asset collection.

Head to The Unity Store

Lean Touch

Secondly install in Unity by going to Window -> Package Manager

Package Manager

Search under Packages: My Assests for Lean Touch and import.


Lean Touch requires a listener and an EventSystem in the Hierarchy of the project. If you right click you will see a new Lean option, select it an click Touch. In the same way, right click UI -> EventSystem.


We now need to add the touch controls to our object (gauge Prefab) - there are numerous options and Lean Touch can be used for any application with a touch screen.

Double click your AR Object Prefab to open it and Add Component if you type in Lean you will see a long list of options. Our first one is Lean Selectable and we want to tick the Self Selected option - this simple makes sure our object to ready to touch.

Back in the scene, we are going to create a new script, based on the TaptoPlace, to spawn the GameObject. Create a new C# Script named hitPose

using System.Collections;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using UnityEngine;
using UnityEngine.XR.ARFoundation;
using UnityEngine.XR.ARSubsystems;

public class hitPose : MonoBehaviour
    public GameObject gameObjectToInstantiate; //the Prefab GameObject to instantiate in the AR environment. To be added in the inspector window
    private GameObject spawnedObject; //the Prefab Instantiate in the scene. Used internally by the script 
    private ARRaycastManager _arRaycastManager; //part of the ARSession GO
    private Vector2 touchPosition; //XZ position of the user Tap

    static List<ARRaycastHit> hits = new List<ARRaycastHit>();

    private void Awake()
        _arRaycastManager = GetComponent<ARRaycastManager>();

    public bool TryGetTouchPosition(out Vector2 touchPosition)
        if (Input.touchCount > 0)
            touchPosition = Input.GetTouch(index: 0).position;
            return true;
        touchPosition = default;
        return false;


    // Update is called once per frame
    public void spawnObject()
        if (!TryGetTouchPosition(out Vector2 touchPosition))

        if (_arRaycastManager.Raycast(touchPosition, hits, trackableTypes: TrackableType.PlaneWithinPolygon))
            var hitPose = hits[0].pose;

                if (spawnedObject == null)
                    spawnedObject = Instantiate(gameObjectToInstantiate, hitPose.position, hitPose.rotation);
                    spawnedObject.transform.position = hitPose.position;


Remove, or disable, the TaptoPlace component from the AR Session Origin GameObject and add the new script hitPose. Add the ARObject prefab to it.

To the LeanTouch GameObject we need to add the component Lean Finger Tap, change the Required Tap Interval to 2 (this is a double tap). Expand the Show Unused Events and, on the OnFinger (LeanFinger) event drag the AR Session Origin GameObject. Target the event to the component hitPose and the public function spawnObject.

You can drag your Prefab into the Hierarchy and use the Add Simulator option to test the touch controls (with a mouse) - the object will be visible in the Scene mode not the Play Mode.

Arguably it more fun to build and run to try to on the device.

You should now be able to:

Before we add in some live data, the Gauge should look a bit more realistic with shadows on the ground plane and on the dial.

Realistic lighting is central to making an object in Augmented Reality look real and they are various shadow, light and camera techniques which can be used to allow an object to look more natural in its surroundings.

Dial Shadow

The Gauge so far is not showing any shadows or very low resolution shadows - this is due to a couple of settings in Unity which need to be changed. Firstly head to Edit -> Project Settings and, on the left-side panel, select Quality. We are going to use the Medium settings (click on it) and edit the shadows so they appear on small objects.

Shadow Settings

As above the main edits are to set:


To finalise these settings we need to head back to the editor. Select the Directional Light from the Hierarchy and in the Inspector change the Bias to 0 - as ever with Unity it is one of those settings that is slightly obscure but without set at 0 the shadows in AR do not show.

Shadow Settings


We have the dial texture in place, a final tweak is adding some gloss to the outer rim and the glass as well as making the pointer a true black.

Shadow Settings

As shown above the route from Fusion into Blender imports a number of unused textures. For our use we simply need to increase the smoothness of the textures used - the yellow and the white. If you move the glossiness slider you will see the texture change in preview circle. A mid level is a good basis.

The black from fusion on the pointer is grey in Unity - this can be changed by opening the colour wheel by clicking the colour next to albedo - change it to black and also increase the smoothness.

Similarly with the glass texture, edit the smoothness - this can be almost at 1.

The effect is subtle but adds to the reality of the model. Textures are an art in unity and the asset store has a number of excellent free textures you can use.

Base Shadow

Finally shadows need to fall on any surface you use for the Augmented Reality. This used to be part of the asset set with the Augmented Reality system in Unity. However, at the time of writing June 2021 AR Foundation does not provide a similar solution. A similar asset can be manually downloaded from GitHub and imported as an extra asset

Shadow XR Github Page

Download the assets (zip or github and unzip into a folder)

Import the asset by dragging the AR Shadow Master folder into your main assets location.

All we need now is a base plane on which to place the shadow texture.

The Base Plane

Open your AR Object Prefab and as part of the main Gauge Hierarchy add a Plane

Shadow Settings

The plane needs to be moved so it sits at the bottom of the Gauge - so move it to position 0,0,0 and scale 0.07,0.07,0.07

Shadow Settings

The final part is to apply the shadow texture to the plane.

Open the folder Assets -> ARshadow-master -> Assets -> Materials and drag the ARShadow texture onto the plane.

The plane will become transparent in Augmented Reality the shadow will appear.

Light Estimation

Light Estimation is experimental, aiming to use the mobile devices camera to estimate the environmental lighting and apply it to the object. It can be turned on via the AR Camera Manager component on the AR Camera GameObject, child of AR Session Origin GameObject.

There are a number of options to try - everything is our current setting of choice.

Shadow Settings

You now have an Augmented Reality object with real-time lighting and shadows, it can be place and moved on any surface.

If you have not already - Save your Scene and congratulate yourself.

The next steps are to add in real-time data. We are connecting a MQTT live feed with the pointer of the gauge.

MQTT Receiver

Download the M2MQTT repository and copy the folders M2Mqtt and M2MqttUnity in the folder Assets of the repository in the Assets folder of your Unity project.

Create a new C# script mqttReceiver:

The MIT License (MIT)

Copyright (c) 2018 Giovanni Paolo Vigano'

Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy
of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal
in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights
to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell
copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is
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The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in all
copies or substantial portions of the Software.


using System.Collections;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using UnityEngine;
using M2MqttUnity;
using uPLibrary.Networking.M2Mqtt;
using uPLibrary.Networking.M2Mqtt.Messages;

public class mqttReceiver : M2MqttUnityClient
    [Header("MQTT topics")]
    [Tooltip("Set the topic to subscribe. !!!ATTENTION!!! multi-level wildcard # subscribes to all topics")]
    public string topicSubscribe = "#"; // topic to subscribe. !!! The multi-level wildcard # is used to subscribe to all the topics. Attention i if #, subscribe to all topics. Attention if MQTT is on data plan
    [Tooltip("Set the topic to publish (optional)")]
    public string topicPublish = ""; // topic to publish
    public string messagePublish = ""; // message to publish

    [Tooltip("Set this to true to perform a testing cycle automatically on startup")]
    public bool autoTest = false;

    //using C# Property GET/SET and event listener to reduce Update overhead in the controlled objects
    private string m_msg;
    public string msg
            return m_msg;
            if (m_msg == value) return;
            m_msg = value;
            if (OnMessageArrived != null)

    public event OnMessageArrivedDelegate OnMessageArrived;
    public delegate void OnMessageArrivedDelegate(string newMsg);

    //using C# Property GET/SET and event listener to expose the connection status
    private bool m_isConnected;

    public bool isConnected
            return m_isConnected;
            if (m_isConnected == value) return;
            m_isConnected = value;
            if (OnConnectionSucceeded != null)
    public event OnConnectionSucceededDelegate OnConnectionSucceeded;
    public delegate void OnConnectionSucceededDelegate(bool isConnected);

    // a list to store the messages
    private List<string> eventMessages = new List<string>();

    public void Publish()
        client.Publish(topicPublish, System.Text.Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes(messagePublish), MqttMsgBase.QOS_LEVEL_EXACTLY_ONCE, false);
        Debug.Log("Test message published");
public void SetEncrypted(bool isEncrypted)
        this.isEncrypted = isEncrypted;

protected override void OnConnecting()

protected override void OnConnected()

        if (autoTest)

protected override void OnConnectionFailed(string errorMessage)
        Debug.Log("CONNECTION FAILED! " + errorMessage);

protected override void OnDisconnected()

protected override void OnConnectionLost()
        Debug.Log("CONNECTION LOST!");

protected override void SubscribeTopics()
        client.Subscribe(new string[] { topicSubscribe }, new byte[] { MqttMsgBase.QOS_LEVEL_EXACTLY_ONCE });

protected override void UnsubscribeTopics()
        client.Unsubscribe(new string[] { topicSubscribe });

protected override void Start() => base.Start();

protected override void DecodeMessage(string topic, byte[] message)
        //The message is decoded
        msg = System.Text.Encoding.UTF8.GetString(message);

        Debug.Log("Received: " + msg);
        Debug.Log("from topic: " + topic);

        if (topic == topicSubscribe)
            if (autoTest)
                autoTest = false;

private void StoreMessage(string eventMsg)
        if (eventMessages.Count > 50)

protected override void Update() => base.Update(); // call ProcessMqttEvents()

private void OnDestroy() => Disconnect();

private void OnValidate()
        if (autoTest)
            autoConnect = true;

Create a new GameObject, name it MQTT_Receiver_wind and attach the mqttReceiver script just created. This GameObject is the MQTT client used to connect to the MQTT Broker. On the inspector we need to setup:

MQTT Receiver

On Play Unity will connect to the MQTT broker and it will print the received message, from the subscribed topic, on the console.

MQTT Receiver

MQTT Controller

Next step is to use the received message to control an object in the scene. Specifically, we need to control the pointer of the gauge Prefab.
Create a new C# script mqttController and add it as component of the gauge Prefab. Open the script and add the following code blocks:

using UnityEngine;
public class mqttController : MonoBehaviour
    public string nameController = "Controller";
    public string tagOfTheMQTTReceiver = "";
    public GameObject objectToControl;
    private float numValue = 0.0f;

    public mqttReceiver _eventSender;

The variable tagOfTheMQTTReceiver (to be set in the Inspector window) needs to match the Tag of one of the GameObject with mqttReceiver script attached. The GameObject objectToControl needs to be the 3D model we need to control, in this case the pointer. The variable _eventSender is used to link the receiver with the controller: every message received by the MQTT Client will fire an event detected by this controller script.

MQTT Controller

MQTT Controller Pointer

    void Start()
        if (GameObject.FindGameObjectsWithTag(tagOfTheMQTTReceiver).Length > 0)
            _eventSender = GameObject.FindGameObjectsWithTag(tagOfTheMQTTReceiver)[0].gameObject.GetComponent<mqttReceiver>();
            Debug.LogError("At least one GameObject with mqttReceiver component and Tag == tagOfTheMQTTReceiver needs to be provided");
        _eventSender.OnMessageArrived += OnMessageArrivedHandler;

The Start function is used to select the right receiver, based on its Tag, and to subscribe to the OnMessageArrived event defined in the mqttReceiver.

    private void OnMessageArrivedHandler(string newMsg)
        numValue = float.Parse(newMsg);
        Debug.Log("Event Fired. The message, from Object " + nameController + " is = " + newMsg);

When a message is received, the event is fired and, in this case, the message is parsed as a float number.

    private void Update()
        float step = 0.5f * Time.deltaTime;

        Vector3 rotationVector = new Vector3(objectToControl.transform.localEulerAngles.x, -numValue * 4.5f, objectToControl.transform.localEulerAngles.z);

        objectToControl.transform.localRotation = Quaternion.Lerp(objectToControl.transform.localRotation, Quaternion.Euler(rotationVector), step);


Finally, in the Update function it is possible to control the 3D object:

In the final part of the workshop we are going to play and control the animation of the gauge. It this example the animation needs to be part of the FBX object imported.

FBX animation Inspector

Animation Panel

Empty State

Empty State

Tag Animation

Tag Animation

The Animator controller is now ready to be connected with a user interface. In this example we are controlling the animation using the Lean Touch asset. Specifically, we want to use a single tap on the object to start the animation (explodeTrigger), and another single tap on the object to play the animation backwards (AnimationSpeed from 1 to -1).

using UnityEngine;
public class animationExplode : MonoBehaviour
    Animator animator;
    float speed;
    bool isExploding = false;

    void Start()
        //Get Animator component
        animator = GetComponent<Animator>();
        speed = animator.GetFloat("AnimationSpeed");

The [RequireComponent(typeof(Animator))] ensure that the component Animator is added to the GameObject. The variable speed is used in this case to control the direction of the animation.

public void Explosion()
        if (isExploding == false)
            //Add a Tag value to the animation block, select the animation block from the Animator Controlelr and set its Tag in the Inspector
            if (animator.GetCurrentAnimatorStateInfo(0).IsTag("1"))
                speed = 1;
                animator.SetFloat("AnimationSpeed", speed);
                isExploding = true;
                isExploding = true;


            if (animator.GetCurrentAnimatorStateInfo(0).IsTag("1"))
                speed = -1;
                animator.SetFloat("AnimationSpeed", speed);
                isExploding = false;
                speed = -1;
                animator.SetFloat("AnimationSpeed", speed);
                isExploding = false;


The Explosion function is used to control the animation and it will be trigger when the ARObject is selected using a Lean Finger Tap.

    void Update()

        if (animator.GetCurrentAnimatorStateInfo(0).IsTag("1") && animator.GetCurrentAnimatorStateInfo(0).normalizedTime > 1)
            animator.Play("Scene", -1, 1);
        else if (animator.GetCurrentAnimatorStateInfo(0).IsTag("1") && animator.GetCurrentAnimatorStateInfo(0).normalizedTime < 0)
            animator.Play("Scene", -1, 0);

        //Play animation on key press
        if (Input.GetKeyDown(KeyCode.Q))
            //Add a Tag value to the animation block, select the animation block from the Animator Controlelr and set its Tag in the Inspector
            if (animator.GetCurrentAnimatorStateInfo(0).IsTag("1"))
                speed = 1;
                animator.SetFloat("AnimationSpeed", speed);
            else { animator.SetTrigger("explodeTrigger"); }
        //Reverse animation on key press
        if (Input.GetKeyDown(KeyCode.W))
            if (animator.GetCurrentAnimatorStateInfo(0).IsTag("1"))
                speed = -1;
                animator.SetFloat("AnimationSpeed", speed);
                speed = -1;
                animator.SetFloat("AnimationSpeed", speed);


The Update function contains a conditional function to control when the animation is finished (to reset its Time to 0 or 1), and the same animation controller of the Explosion function, but triggered using the key Q and W.

Tag Animation

Exit from the Prefab editing mode and select the LeanTouch GameObject, in the inspector window:

We will now have two Lean Finger Tap, one with the double tap to create the object, and one with a single tap used to select the object and trigger the animation.

Tag Animation

You can now Build and Run your project to place the digital gauge in your environment.

Tag Animation