This workshop will show you how to


To complete this workshop you will need

Additional resources

This section shows how to set up an MQTT client in Unity, using a modified version of the M2MQTT .Net library.

Download the modified M2MQTT library and copy the folders M2Mqtt and M2MqttUnity, located in the Assets folder inside M2MqttUnity-Master inside the Assets folder of your Unity project (e.g. _Unity project of workshop 1)

M2MQTT library installed

Open the example scene named M2MqttUnity_Test from the folder M2MqttUnity -> Examples -> Scenes

Example scene

Input system

Press Play to test the library and, in the Game tab, press Connect to establish a connection with the default broker using the port 1883.
In this case, the connection has failed, there could be various reasons for this e.g. the MQTT broker is offline

Failed connection

Without stopping Unity, we can change the MQTT Broker address to, press again Connect and, once connected, press Test Publish to check if the library is able to send and receive any message

Successful connection

By inspecting the scene, we can see that the only script used to set up the MQTT Client is M2MqttUnityTest.cs, attached to the M2MQTT GameObject in the scene, however, this script is linked with other classes of the main folder M2Mqtt.

We need to write two custom scripts based on the original M2MqttUnityTest.cs used in the example scene.

Using the Gallery scene previously built. Create a new folder in Assets (e.g. Assets\Gallery\scripts) and create two new C# Script named:

new mqttManager script

Open the mqttManager.cs in VSCode, remove the existing content

VScode scripts

using System.Collections;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using UnityEngine;

public class mqttManager : MonoBehaviour
    // Start is called before the first frame update
    void Start()

    // Update is called once per frame
    void Update()

And paste the script from the GitHub Gist

How the mqttManager works

using System.Collections.Generic;
using UnityEngine;
using M2MqttUnity;
using uPLibrary.Networking.M2Mqtt.Messages;
//the mqttObj is use to store the message received and topic subscribed, so we can select the right object from the controller
//C# Property GET/SET and event listener is used to reduce Update overhead in the controlled objects
public class mqttObj{
    private string m_msg;
    public string msg
        get{return m_msg;}
            if (m_msg == value) return;
            m_msg = value;
    private string m_topic;
    public string topic
            return m_topic;
            if (m_topic == value) return;
            m_topic = value;

public class mqttManager : M2MqttUnityClient
    [Header("MQTT topics")]
    [Tooltip("Set the topic to subscribe. !!!ATTENTION!!! multi-level wildcard # subscribes to all topics")]
    //public string topicSubscribe = "#"; // topic to subscribe. !!! The multi-level wildcard # is used to subscribe to all the topics. Attention i if #, subscribe to all topics. Attention if MQTT is on data plan
    public List<string> topicSubscribe = new List<string>(); //list of topics to subscribe

    [Tooltip("Set the topic to publish (optional)")]
    public string topicPublish = ""; // topic to publish

    public string messagePublish = ""; // message to publish

    [Tooltip("Set this to true to perform a testing cycle automatically on startup")]
    public bool autoTest = false;

    //new mqttObj is created to store message received and topic subscribed
    mqttObj mqttObject = new mqttObj();

    public event OnMessageArrivedDelegate OnMessageArrived;
    public delegate void OnMessageArrivedDelegate(mqttObj mqttObject);

    //using C# Property GET/SET and event listener to expose the connection status
    private bool m_isConnected;

    public bool isConnected
            return m_isConnected;
            if (m_isConnected == value) return;
            m_isConnected = value;
            if (OnConnectionSucceeded != null)
    public event OnConnectionSucceededDelegate OnConnectionSucceeded;
    public delegate void OnConnectionSucceededDelegate(bool isConnected);

    // a list to store the mqttObj received
    private List<mqttObj> eventMessages = new List<mqttObj>();

These are all the variable that we need. The public class mqttObj and the public bool variable isConnected use the C# properties GET/SET. Instead of using an Update function or a Coroutine, by using these properties it is possible to create a more efficient event system.

the following functions, after the variables, and within the public class mqttManager derive from the original M2MqttUnityTest.cs and they have been already modified to make them more suitable for our need

public void Publish()
        client.Publish(topicPublish, System.Text.Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes(messagePublish), MqttMsgBase.QOS_LEVEL_EXACTLY_ONCE, false);
        Debug.Log("Test message published");
    public void SetEncrypted(bool isEncrypted)
        this.isEncrypted = isEncrypted;

    protected override void OnConnecting()

    protected override void OnConnected()
        isConnected = true;

        if (autoTest)

    protected override void OnConnectionFailed(string errorMessage)
        Debug.Log("CONNECTION FAILED! " + errorMessage);

    protected override void OnDisconnected()
        isConnected = false;

    protected override void OnConnectionLost()
        Debug.Log("CONNECTION LOST!");

    protected override void SubscribeTopics()
        foreach (string item in topicSubscribe) //subscribe to all the topics of the Public List topicSubscribe, not most efficient way (e.g. JSON object works better), but it might be useful in certain circumstances 
         client.Subscribe(new string[] { item }, new byte[] { MqttMsgBase.QOS_LEVEL_EXACTLY_ONCE });   

    protected override void UnsubscribeTopics()
        foreach (string item in topicSubscribe)
            client.Unsubscribe(new string[] { item });

    protected override void Start()

    protected override void DecodeMessage(string topicReceived, byte[] message)
        //The message is decoded and stored into the mqttObj (defined at the lines 40-63)
        mqttObject.msg = System.Text.Encoding.UTF8.GetString(message);

        Debug.Log("Received: " + mqttObject.msg + "from topic: " + mqttObject.topic);

        if(OnMessageArrived !=null){

    private void StoreMessage(mqttObj eventMsg)
        if (eventMessages.Count > 50)

    protected override void Update()
        base.Update(); // call ProcessMqttEvents()


    private void OnDestroy()

    private void OnValidate()
        if (autoTest)
            autoConnect = true;
    }//End of the Class

From the original scripts, all the references and functions based on the UI panel have been removed.

The message is received and decoded by the function DecodeMessage() that is used also to store a copy of the received message and topic. The Debug.Log function is used to print the received message and topic in the console, it can be commented out in production.

We can now save the script and go back to the Unity Editor. Create a new empty GameObject in the Hierarchy window named MQTT_Manager and add the script mqttManager.cs using Add component or dragging the script on the GameObject.

VScode scripts

With the MQTT_Manager still selected, in the Inspector window fill the Broker Address, Broker Port and some Topic Subscribe and enable Auto Connect.
Press Play to control, in the Unity console the status of the connection, the received messages and the subscribed topic.

To identify the MQTT_Manager in the scene from other scripts, we have to set its Tag from the Inspector window (default value is Untagged). Select the Tag dropdown and select Add Tag... (e.g. energy). Select again the GameObject set the Tag just created.

The mqttController.cs script can be customised to control any GameObject in the scene. For the purpose of this tutorial, we are going to visualise the value received from the MQTT Broker using a TextMeshPro (TMP) GameObject.

TMP sample text

using System.Collections;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using UnityEngine;
using TMPro;

public class mqttController : MonoBehaviour
    public string nameController = "Controller 1";
    public string tag_mqttManager = "";
    public mqttManager _eventSender;

    void Start()
        if (GameObject.FindGameObjectsWithTag(tag_mqttManager).Length > 0)
            _eventSender = GameObject.FindGameObjectsWithTag(tag_mqttManager)[0].gameObject.GetComponent<mqttManager>();
            Debug.LogError("At least one GameObject with mqttManager component and Tag == tag_mqttManager needs to be provided");
        _eventSender.OnMessageArrived += OnMessageArrivedHandler;

    private void OnMessageArrivedHandler(mqttObj mqttObject) //the mqttObj is defined in the mqttManager.cs
        //We need to check the topic of the message to know where to use it 
        if (mqttObject.topic.Contains("Entire topic or part of it"))
            this.GetComponent<TextMeshPro>().text = mqttObject.msg;
            Debug.Log("Message, from Topic " + mqttObject.topic + " is = " + mqttObject.msg);

The variable tag_mqttManager is configured by the user in the Inspector window. It must match the tag of one of the GameObjects in the scene that has the mqttManager script attached. In this example, the GameObject MQTT_Manager has tag energy.
The variable _eventSender is automatically assigned based on the Tag and is used to establish a connection between the manager and the controller. Whenever the MQTT Client receives a message, it triggers an event that is detected by this controller script.
This setup allows for flexibility in managing MQTT communication: It is possible to create multiple instances of mqttManager if you need to connect to multiple MQTT Brokers, and you can also connect multiple controllers to a specific mqttManager for handling the received messages.

The Start function is used to select the right manager, based on its Tag, and to subscribe to the OnMessageArrived event defined in the mqttManager.

When the message is received by the mqttManager, mqttController check if the topic is the right one and updates the text field of the TextMeshPro GameObject.

TMP sample text

TextMeshPro is a powerful add-on that can be used to create effective Graphic User Interfaces (GUI) in combination with the Unity uGUI system.

A GUI in Unity can use two main Render Mode:

The first mode is generally used to create input menus, mini-maps, pop-ups and splash screens or to develop entire 2D applications. The World Space mode is used to create digital screens, as well as buttons and other interactable elements that are blended with the digital environment, as we are going to see in this example.

UI structure

The GUI in Unity is based on a series of components that needs to be created and used in a specific order. The first element is the main parent of the GUI, the Canvas. The Canvas is used to control the Render mode used for the GUI, as well as the position and dimensions of the entire GUI.

The Canvas is an empty GameObject that contains the various components (children) of the GUI. The children by default inherit Canvas properties, but it is possible to override them if needed on an object-by-object basis.

The GUI elements can be passive and used to display information (e.g. text, images) or they can be interactive (e.g. buttons, slider) to control GameObjects in the scene using an EventSystem.

It is possible now to change the position, rotation and size of the parent object MQTT_Screen. The position provided places the canvas just below the Connected Environments Studio text (but feel free to choose other locations). Be sure to select the right GameObject, the Canvas, from the Hierarchy window and not the child Panel.

MQTT screen

The next step is to add the TextMeshPro GameObjects for the description texts and the placeholder texts, the latter will be dynamically updated by the MQTT_Manager.

MQTT screen

create a new UI -> Text - TextMeshPro as a child of the Panel GameObject and name it Title

create a new empty GameObject named _mqttValues as a child of the Panel and add a component Vertical Layout Group and change width=5.4 - height=3

create 4UI -> Text - TextMeshPro (e.g. SolarRadiation, Temperature, WindSpeed, Humidity) as children of the just created GameObject (i.e. _mqttValues), change their width= 5.4 - height= 0.5, Font Size = 0.3 and add a Vertical Layout Group to each of them. Change the New Text accordingly

finally, inside each of the 4 TextMeshPro create another UI -> Text - TextMeshPro. These are going to be the placeholder for the MQTT values. Change width=5.4 - height=0.5, Font Size = 0.3, and alignment right, the placeholders are ready to be used

MQTT screen

Update the MQTT screen using JSON response

The mqttController can now be used to associate each TextMeshPro GameObject with its corresponding MQTT value. Since we require updates for four distinct values, we have the option to subscribe to multiple topics or to deserialize a JSON response containing all the necessary values, provided the MQTT Broker offers this response format

In C# the deserialization of a JSON response requires a class representation (the structure of the JSON itself, generally defined by the owner of the MQTT Broker). The easiest way to convert a JSON in C# classes is to use an online tool such as

MQTT screen

    public class Root
        public string dayRain_cm ;
        public string monthRain_cm ;
        public string yearRain_cm ;
        public string dayET ;
        public string monthET ;
        public string yearET ;
        public string leafWet4 ;
        public string insideAlarm ;
        public string rainAlarm ;
        public string outsideAlarm1 ;
        public string outsideAlarm2 ;

finally, we can deserialize the JSON response and access the various values by adding into the OnMessageArriveHandler function the following lines

private void OnMessageArrivedHandler(mqttObj mqttObject) 
    if (mqttObject.topic.Contains("TOPIC or part of it"))
    var weatherJson = JsonUtility.FromJson<Root>(mqttObject.msg);
    Debug.Log("Message, from Topic " + mqttObject.topic + " is = " + mqttObject.msg);

The last step is to link the values with the TextMeshPro GameObjects.There are several solutions available, with one straightforward option being to create four public TextMeshProUGUI variables in the mqttController script."

public TextMeshProUGUI value_Temperature;
public TextMeshProUGUI value_SolarRadiation;
public TextMeshProUGUI value_WindSpeed;
public TextMeshProUGUI value_Humidity;

and in the OnMessageArriveHandler set the text value of each TextMeshProUGUI to the relative JSON key just after the Debug.Log

if (mqttObject.topic.Contains("TOPIC or part of it"))
var weatherJson = JsonUtility.FromJson<Root>(mqttObject.msg);
    value_Temperature.text = System.Math.Round(float.Parse(weatherJson.outTemp_C), 2).ToString() + " C\u00b0";
    value_SolarRadiation.text = weatherJson.radiation_Wpm2 + " Wm\u00b2";
    value_WindSpeed.text = System.Math.Round(float.Parse(weatherJson.windSpeed_kph), 2).ToString() + " kph";
    value_Humidity.text = weatherJson.outHumidity + " %";
    Debug.Log("Message, from Topic " + mqttObject.topic + " is = " + mqttObject.msg);

Save the script and add it to the MQTT_Screen GameObject (the UI Canvas). Now link the correct TextMeshProUGUI GameObject from the Hierarchy window (MQTT_Screen -> Panel -> mqtt_Values -> value_xxxx) with the relative field in the Inspector window

MQTT screen

The final script for the mqttController should be similar to this one:

using System.Collections.Generic;
using UnityEngine;
using TMPro;
public class mqttController : MonoBehaviour
public string nameController = "Controller 1";
public string tag_mqttManager = "";
public mqttManager _eventSender;
public TextMeshProUGUI value_Temperature;
public TextMeshProUGUI value_SolarRadiation;
public TextMeshProUGUI value_WindSpeed;
public TextMeshProUGUI value_Humidity;

void Start()
    if (GameObject.FindGameObjectsWithTag(tag_mqttManager).Length > 0)
    _eventSender = GameObject.FindGameObjectsWithTag(tag_mqttManager)[0].gameObject.GetComponent<mqttManager>();
    Debug.LogError("At least one GameObject with mqttManager component and Tag == tag_mqttManager needs to be provided");
    _eventSender.OnMessageArrived += OnMessageArrivedHandler;

private void OnMessageArrivedHandler(mqttObj mqttObject) //the mqttObj is defined in the mqttManager.cs
    //We need to check the topic of the message to know where to use it. ATTENTION CASE SENSITIVE temp != Temp 
    if (mqttObject.topic.Contains("loop"))
        var weatherJson = JsonUtility.FromJson<Root>(mqttObject.msg);
        value_Temperature.text = System.Math.Round(float.Parse(weatherJson.outTemp_C), 2).ToString() + " C\u00b0";
        value_SolarRadiation.text = weatherJson.radiation_Wpm2 + " Wm\u00b2";
        value_WindSpeed.text = System.Math.Round(float.Parse(weatherJson.windSpeed_kph), 2).ToString() + " kph";
        value_Humidity.text = weatherJson.outHumidity + " %";
        Debug.Log("Message, from Topic " + mqttObject.topic + " is = " + mqttObject.msg);

public class Root
    public string dateTime;
    public string barometer_mbar;
    public string inTemp_C;
    public string inHumidity;
    public string outTemp_C;
    public string windSpeed_kph;
    public string windSpeed10_kph;
    public string windDir;
    public string outHumidity;
    public string rainRate_cm_per_hour;
    public string UV;
    public string radiation_Wpm2;
    public string stormRain_cm;
    public string dayRain_cm;
    public string monthRain_cm;
    public string yearRain_cm;
    public string dayET;
    public string monthET;
    public string yearET;
    public string insideAlarm;
    public string rainAlarm;
    public string outsideAlarm1;
    public string outsideAlarm2;
    public string extraAlarm1;
    public string extraAlarm2;
    public string extraAlarm3;
    public string extraAlarm4;
    public string extraAlarm5;
    public string extraAlarm6;
    public string extraAlarm7;
    public string extraAlarm8;
    public string soilLeafAlarm1;
    public string soilLeafAlarm2;
    public string soilLeafAlarm3;
    public string soilLeafAlarm4;
    public string txBatteryStatus;
    public string consBatteryVoltage_volt;
    public string forecastIcon;
    public string forecastRule;
    public string sunrise;
    public string sunset;
    public string rain_cm;
    public string windGust_kph;
    public string windGustDir;
    public string pressure_mbar;
    public string altimeter_mbar;
    public string appTemp_C;
    public string cloudbase_meter;
    public string dewpoint_C;
    public string heatindex_C;
    public string humidex_C;
    public string inDewpoint_C;
    public string maxSolarRad_Wpm2;
    public string windchill_C;
    public string hourRain_cm;
    public string rain24_cm;
    public string usUnits;
    public string stormStart;


MQTT feeds are not the sole technique for incorporating real-time data into Unity. Another effective approach is to utilise REST APIs.

REST APIs are not limited to provide data as string and float. References to images, sounds and videos can be collected as well. In this example we are going to use the REST APIs of the Victoria & Albert Museum to dynamically change the paintings of the virtual Gallery.

The API is documented at If we are interested in changing the textures of our gallery with the objects of the museum in which the primary place is London we need to use add a query to the API call and specify the id_place=x28980. To further filter the records and obtain just the objects that contain at least one image, we need to add a second query _&imagesexist=1

If we open this URL, the browser will return the relative JSON string. This can be copied and used, as we did before with, to create the C# classes.


public class museumva
        public class Parameters

        public class Info
            public string version;
            public int record_count;
            public bool record_count_exact;
            public Parameters parameters;
            public int page_size;
            public int pages;
            public int page;
            public int image_count;
    [ ....... ]
        public class Root
            public Info info;
            public List<Record> records;
            public Clusters clusters;


at the top of the museumAPI.cs add the UnityEngine.Networking namespace, this will give us access to the methods we need to use to call the REST APIs

using System.Collections;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using UnityEngine;

using UnityEngine.Networking;
public string wwwRequest = " ";
public Material[] paintings_mat;

Instead of using the Update() method for the WebRequest, we are going to use another solution called Coroutine. The reason is that every function inside the Update() need to be completed before the end of the frame, if the function is not complete Unity will likely drop the frame rate leading to a not satisfactory user experience. From the Unity manual: A coroutine is like a function that has the ability to pause execution and return control to Unity but then to continue where it left off on the following frame

A coroutine is created using the IEnumerator Interface and executed using the function StartCoroutine(IEnumerator routine). In our example

void Start()

IEnumerator museumRequest()
        yield ...
 IEnumerator museumRequest()
        yield return new WaitForSeconds(5); //wait 5sec before running
        UnityWebRequest www = UnityWebRequest.Get(wwwRequest); 

        yield return www.SendWebRequest(); //wait to receive the JSON
        var response = JsonUtility.FromJson<museumva.Root>(www.downloadHandler.text); //deserialize the JSON using the public class museumva

        for (int i = 0; i < paintings_mat.Length; i++)
            string MediaUrl = "" + response.records[i]._primaryImageId + "/full/!500,500/0/default.jpg";

            UnityWebRequest request = UnityWebRequestTexture.GetTexture(MediaUrl);
            yield return request.SendWebRequest();
            if (request.result == UnityWebRequest.Result.ConnectionError || request.result == UnityWebRequest.Result.ProtocolError)
               paintings_mat[i].mainTexture= ((DownloadHandlerTexture)request.downloadHandler).texture;



This are the various steps processed by the coroutine:

The final step is to create an empty GameObject (named e.g. MuseumAPI) and add the script to it, add the URL for the web-request, and populate the Materials array with the 9 _paintingn from the folder CE_Studios -> Models -> gallery -> models -> Materials.



Build the project to test it. If the mobile build is chosen (Android or iOS) remember to enable the child UI_Canvas_StarterAssetsInputs_Joysticks of the Player GameObject to have the touch controller.

The final museumAPI.cs

using System.Collections;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using UnityEngine;
using UnityEngine.Networking;

public class museumAPI : MonoBehaviour
public string wwwRequest = " ";
public Material[] paintings_mat;
// Start is called before the first frame update
void Start()
IEnumerator museumRequest()
yield return new WaitForSeconds(5); //wait 5sec before running
UnityWebRequest www = UnityWebRequest.Get(wwwRequest);

yield return www.SendWebRequest(); //wait to receive the JSON
var response = JsonUtility.FromJson<museumva.Root>(www.downloadHandler.text); //deserialize the JSON using the public class museumva

for (int i = 0; i < paintings_mat.Length; i++)
    string MediaUrl = "" + response.records[i]._primaryImageId + "/full/!500,500/0/default.jpg";

    UnityWebRequest request = UnityWebRequestTexture.GetTexture(MediaUrl);
    yield return request.SendWebRequest();
    if (request.result == UnityWebRequest.Result.ConnectionError || request.result == UnityWebRequest.Result.ProtocolError)
        paintings_mat[i].mainTexture = ((DownloadHandlerTexture)request.downloadHandler).texture;

    public class museumva
        public class Category
            public int other_terms_record_count;
            public List<Term> terms;

        public class Clusters
            public Category category;
            public Person person;
            public Organisation organisation;
            public Collection collection;
            public Gallery gallery;
            public Style style;
            public Place place;
            public ObjectType object_type;
            public Technique technique;
            public Material material;
        public class Collection
            public int other_terms_record_count;
            public List<Term> terms;
        public class CurrentLocation
            public string id;
            public string displayName;
            public string type;
            public string site;
            public bool onDisplay;
            public Detail detail;
        public class Detail
            public string free;
            public string @case;
            public string shelf;
            public string box;
        public class Gallery
            public int other_terms_record_count;
            public List<Term> terms;
        public class Images
            public string _primary_thumbnail;
            public string _iiif_image_base_url;
            public string _iiif_presentation_url;
            public string imageResolution;
        public class Info
            public string version;
            public int record_count;
            public bool record_count_exact;
            public Parameters parameters;
            public int page_size;
            public int pages;
            public int page;
            public int image_count;
        public class Material
            public int other_terms_record_count;
            public List<Term> terms;
        public class ObjectType
            public int other_terms_record_count;
            public List<Term> terms;
        public class Organisation
            public int other_terms_record_count;
            public List<Term> terms;
        public class Parameters
        public class Person
            public int other_terms_record_count;
            public List<Term> terms;
        public class Place
            public int other_terms_record_count;
            public List<Term> terms;
        public class PrimaryMaker
            public string name;
            public string association;
        public class Record
            public string systemNumber;
            public string accessionNumber;
            public string objectType;
            public CurrentLocation _currentLocation;
            public string _primaryTitle;
            public PrimaryMaker _primaryMaker;
            public string _primaryImageId;
            public string _primaryDate;
            public string _primaryPlace;
            public List<object> _warningTypes;
            public Images _images;
        public class Root
            public Info info;
            public List<Record> records;
            public Clusters clusters;
        public class Style
            public int other_terms_record_count;
            public List<Term> terms;
        public class Technique
            public int other_terms_record_count;
            public List<Term> terms;
        public class Term
            public string id;
            public string value;
            public int count;
            public int count_max_error;